RLR Lawyers recognizes that economic development opportunities are an essential component for First Nation governments in attaining self-determination and self-sustainability. We are mindful that these opportunities should honour each First Nation’s traditional laws and should be supported by a system that is:
- consistent with the customs and practices of each First Nation;
- predictable; and
- enables prosperity for future generations.
We are committed to providing First Nation governments with legal services that assist them in capitalizing on economic opportunities and generating prosperity for their communities, now and in the future.
Our lawyers work with First Nation governments and their communities to create sustainable business opportunities which contribute to the overall success of the First Nation. Our advice is customized to support economic development within First Nation communities that is thoughtful and informed by each Nation’s Aboriginal interests, rights, and title. We can also help First Nations create frameworks that advance business opportunities while balancing cultural concerns and environmental considerations.
We can offer strategic advice and provide cost-effective and efficient legal services to First Nation governments in the areas of business and economic development. In particular, we can provide legal services in the following areas:
- Creating First Nation corporate entities and structures unique to each First Nation
- Negotiating Impact Benefit Agreements that meet the needs of each First Nation
- Natural resource development to enhance the financial position of each First Nation
- Negotiating with the Crown, proponents and other developers who would like operate or are operating within a First Nation’s traditional territory
- Facilitating the designation of land under permit and leasing processes
- Assisting in the development and implementation of policies, such as:
- labour and employment policies;
- human resource policies;
- environmental management policies; and
- policies that protect heritage sites and places of cultural significance.
Strategizing with each First Nation for ongoing growth and capacity-building of First Nations and their members.