First Nation governments are responsible for a wide range of day-to-day management and development of resources within their communities as well as advancing their communities’ interests, rights, and title.
At RLR Lawyers, we recognize the importance of carrying out these responsibilities in a manner that is consistent with the culture, traditions, and customs of each First Nation. We are also experienced in helping First Nations governments meet the challenges that may arise when working to establish a governance structure that honours these duties and obligations.
We provide legal services in the following areas and, in particular, assist First Nations:
- In the development and implementation of Land Codes, Matrimonial Property laws, and Self-Government Agreements;
- In negotiating and implementing Treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements under the BC treaty negotiations framework;
- In the development and implementation of governance codes and election codes;
- In the development and implementation of policies, bylaws and other laws established under a First Nation law-making authority.
- In the revitalization of Indigenous laws and legal orders, and the development of structures and process or procedures relating to the implementation of the Indigenous laws and legal orders of each First Nation.
- Strategizing with each First Nation for ongoing growth and capacity-building of First Nations and their members.
We are committed to providing First Nation governments with legal services that will assist them in meeting their responsibilities to their communities, in realizing their self-governance opportunities, and in establishing a government that reflects the customs and practices of each First Nation.